Hannah discovered Mini Mermaids while researching the relationship between physical activity and overall well-being, for a very personal reason. Her daughter experienced Selective Mutism, an anxiety disorder that made it difficult for her to interact with other children and adults verbally. Hannah observed that when her daughter was outside, playing, or riding her bike, the anxiety decreased.
This led Hannah on a search for programmes for young girls that focused on the whole child, weaving physical activity into discussions of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-compassion. That search led to Mini Mermaids, founded in the US by the wonderful Heidi Boyton in 2009. The programmes look at the whole child and helps instill behaviours and skills that positively impact girls emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.
Our mission isn’t to create ‘RUNNERS.’ Rather, we strive to create a generation of young girls who enjoy being physically active, underpinned by a strong sense of self-worth and self-belief that flows through all aspects of their lives.
Today, Mini Mermaid programmes, led by school staff, members of the community and school sports partnerships/3rd-party deliverers, are in hundreds of schools and community centres across the UK.
Our mission: Activate Mini Mermaids in every primary school in the UK.